Surprising Bible Facts 1

Printable Study Course

These fascinating Bible Studies are designed for personal study, group study, Homeschools, or family worships. They also are a resource you can use for witnessing. There are 3 sections; the first 14 lessons are the Basic Bible lessons. these should be fully completed before part 2. It is best to give them out only one or two at a time, rather than a lot of them which invites people to skip ahead and thus fail to rightly understand the material.

Part 1: Basic Bible Studies:

Teacher's Answer Sheet Part 1

/01-Surprising Facts.pdf

/02-Surprising Facts.pdf

/03-Surprising Facts.pdf

/04-Surprising Facts.pdf

/05-Surprising Facts.pdf

/06-Surprising Facts.pdf

/07-Surprising Facts.pdf

/08-Surprising Facts.pdf

/09-Surprising Facts.pdf

/10-Surprising Facts.pdf

/11-Surprising Facts.pdf

/12-Surprising Facts.pdf

/13-Surprising Facts.pdf

/14-Surprising Facts.pdf

Part 2: 15 - 27

These are advanced studies,
please study or teach the first series before any of these.